Resume can simply be illustrated as a brochure that provides details and capabilities of a product which is available for purchase and it is that brochure what tempts the buyer to visit the shelf where the product is located. Thus, till the time the brochure doesn't have the essential elements of attracting a common buyer, the sale is unlikely to happen.
It is not only you who is eager to get the job probably there are a hundreds of other candidates even willing to work at a lower pay scale that you desire, so your resume should stand out and be unique. Majority of HR representative state that high percentages of the CVs they receive are "dull and boring" hardly few candidates utilize it as a marketing tool.
Point(s) to remember:
- Resume takes just a few seconds to register a visual impression to its reader. The appearance of your resume, boosts the chances of getting you an interview call, so
- Resume format should be professional (e.g. picture taken in formal dress)
- Keep it concise (leave some thing for the interview)
- Highlight the education or professional experience if the job relates to it
- Life history is not required (I changed my college in the year XXX)
- Academic and professional achievements (if any) should be highlighted
- If hard copy or resume is to be sent, please use a good quality of paper don't get it photo stat.
- Get someone to proofread: misspelling, bad grammar goes to bin not in the file
- If your qualifications are not the right ones, there is no need to worry, go ahead and provide information that is interesting and intriguing about you do not worry about what you have not practiced or applied yet. Remember, many irrelevant and inexperienced candidates get the interview call, because what they exhibit appeals the interviewer.
- Enclose your resume with a cover letter, a short letter, that describes your abilities and personal qualities and professional and business skills
You can be innovative with the format; style and presentation of the resume, depending upon the nature of job for example resume have been presented on Flash, in form of graphs, drawings etc depending upon the acceptability level of the audience. One can rearrange the contents of resume too, for example an actor / model may present her achievements in order of prominence of work that would interest each prospective employer.
Remember you are a brand; you have to market yourself in a way that people desire you!
What ever the format of resume you wish you apply, kindly ensure that it is pitched correctly for the audience who shall be reviewing it.
Hope that your CV outshines the rest!!
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